This Scale of Brain Evolution chart is discussed in detail in our highly viewed YouTube Introductory Session recording.
The Goal of The Silva Mind Control Method
The goal of The Silva Mind Control Method is to train you to lower your brain wave frequency, at will, to the Alpha brainwave frequency and function consciously at this brainwave frequency. 90% of the people on the planet can only reach the Alpha brainwave frequency when dreaming while sleeping. Alpha is the strongest brain waive frequency. Alpha gives you access to your subconscious mind and the Universal Mind.
The ability to think and function at Alpha (remain awake and conscious in this sleep state) is a lot more effective than thinking at the Beta brainwave frequency, which is what the vast majority of people do. You are better able to achieve your goals when you think about them at Alpha because you are tapping the power of your subconscious mind. You get more creative ideas when you can function consciously at Alpha because you are tapping the power of your subconscious mind and the Universal Mind. You get better solutions to problems when you think about them at Alpha because you are tapping the power of your subconscious mind and the Universal Mind. You make more correct decisions if you can function consciously with awareness at Alpha because you are tapping the power of your subconscious mind and the Universal Mind.
Some people get precognitive dreams while dreaming in Alpha that reveal future events. Some people get dreams that warn them of danger. Some people get ideas and solutions to problems from their dreams; Paul McCartney of the Beatles got many of his ideas for a song while dreaming or waking up from sleeping. The idea of the sewing machine came to Elias Howe in a dream. Before making any major financial decisions, the wealthy financier Bernard Baruch used to tell people he wanted to "sleep on it" because the answer usually came to him in a dream. Thomas Edison used to take cap naps sitting down holding an iron ball in each hand. He didn't want to fall into deep sleep because many of his ideas came to him during his light level of sleep (Alpha) cat naps. These people are tapping the Universal Mind.
Very Successful People Can Think and Function at Alpha
In 1974, Prentice Hall, a major book publisher, published a book titled Executive ESP based on a research project conducted at the Newark College of Engineering (now called the NJ Institute of Technology - NJIT). The research project involved studying business executives. The bottom line - the very successful business executives were psychic. They were able to sense future trends and direct their business toward those trends. They were able to stay at least one step ahead of the competition. (Click here for more information about this fascinating study).
In the 1960s, Jose Silva, the creator of The Silva Mind Control Method, conducted some studies at the Mind Science Foundation in TX with the head of the foundation, Wilfred Hahn, Ph.D. They hooked people up to an EEG machine that measures brain waves. They noticed that when they asked very successful people to solve a problem, their brain started producing dominant Alpha brain waves.
People who are very successful in any field of endeavor are what we call "Natural Alpha Thinkers". They naturally developed the ability to produce dominant Alpha brain waves when they start to think. Somehow they developed this ability on their own, without any training.
Do you know a mechanic who can fix things that no one else can fix? He or she is probably a Natural Alpha Thinker. They sense what the problem is, where the problem is, are guided to where the problem is and if needed, come up with a creative way to solve the problem. One that doesn't create more problems.
Famous fashion designer Pierre Cardin, who was good at sensing future fashion trends, was most likely a Natural Alpha Thinker. When you hear very successful people talk about their success, they have a hard time describing this ability because they don't realize what's happening when they start to think about things or think of a solution to a problem. They don't realize that they can function consciously at Alpha. Approximately 10% of the people on the planet are Natural Alpha Thinkers. Legitimate physics are Natural Alpha Thinkers. So are legitimate faith healers.
Think And Grow Rich
In his best-selling book, Think And Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill spent several years studying the traits of the most successful businessmen of the early 1900's. For years, the book used to be required reading for life insurance salespeople. In the book, which is a condensed version of his first book, Law of Success, he outlines and explains the common traits these very successful businessmen shared. Here's how he described one trait, which he called "Telepathy" - "the difference between these very successful people and others is a special mental ability that enables communication of thought from one mind to another". Hill continues by saying, "these very successful people can arouse their minds to go beyond the point at which the average human mind stops arising or exploring". Hill also goes on to say, "the individual who discovers a way to stimulate his mind artificially, arouse it and cause it to go beyond this average stopping point frequently, is sure to be rewarded with fame and fortune if his efforts are of a constructive nature". The individual is Jose Silva.
In The Zone
You may have heard professional baseball, basketball, soccer and football athletes talk about seeing the rotation of the ball, being able to read the writing on the ball while it is coming at them, the ball looking bigger, the ball slowing down. Athletes refer to this as "playing in the zone" or "being in the zone". What they are actually doing is playing while producing dominant Alpha brain waves. Very successful athletes are Natural Alpha Thinkers.
Alpha Thinkers Have PMA
These very successful people also possess a certain mindset - a positive mental attitude. They are hard core positive thinkers and accept adversity as a learning experience. Failure doesn't bother them because they use it as a process of elimination, discovering things that don't work. And they know that failure brings them closer to success. When Thomas Edison was trying to invent the light bulb, people criticized him for failing 99 times. He responded that he was able to eliminate 99 things that didn't work. And we all know he eventually found the one that did work.
Deep-Rooted Beliefs
As we also mention in the Introductory Session, age is related to brain wave frequency. Things said to us during our childhood and the experiences we encounter at early ages leave strong impressions on us because they are embedded in our brain while we were producing one of the three strongest brain wave frequencies (Alpha is the strongest brain wave frequency, followed by Theta and Delta). We may not be aware of these deep-rooted programs or beliefs that were embedded in us during our childhood. If these deep-rooted programs and beliefs conflict with what we want, we will never attain them or attain them and lose them. We will always be consistent with our deep-rooted subconscious beliefs, which we may or may not be aware of. It is similar to the way a computer is programmed. Our brain is a computer, a bio-computer, and we perform the way it was programmed. If we want to change, we have to re-program the computer.
The Silva Mind Control Method can help you reprogram any negative, limiting beliefs buried deep in your subconscious mind during childhood. Even the ones you are not aware of. The Silva Mind Control Method will also train you to be an Alpha Thinker. Mr. Silva has said that a trained Alpha Thinker is better than a Natural Alpha Thinker because they can access Alpha whenever they need to. They have a method to do it. The Natural Alpha Thinker may have to wait for the process to occur. You don't have to do what Thomas Edison used to do. A trained Alpha Thinker can turn the subconscious into an inner conscious. One that they can tap when needed.
Maybe in the future, people will be hooked up to an EEG during a hiring interview to see what brain waves they produce when asked questions. If so, you better be an Alpha Thinker.
Health Benefits
Many books have been written about the health benefits of meditation. We know that meditating at the Alpha brain wave frequency with conscious awareness (without falling asleep) for 15 minutes strengthens the immune system, reduces the stress hormones that have accumulated in our blood system and slows down the aging process. So The Silva Mind Control Method can also help you strengthen your immune system and reduce stress. And visualization or mental imagery has been used by many health professionals to treat illnesses and diseases. Visualization, mental imagery and mental rehearsal are more effective when done at Alpha because you are tapping the power of your subconscious mind, re-programming your bio-computer.
So what are you waiting for? Start tapping the power of your subconscious mind and the Universal Mind NOW! Sign up now for The Silva Mind Control Method Correspondence Course and reap all the benefits of Alpha. Click here to purchase the course.
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Our mission is to make this a better world to live in.
Our vision is people using their minds to solve problems without creating more problems.