Become aware of any negative thoughts, cancel them out and replace them with positive thoughts.
Manage and control stress, strengthen your immune system.
Overcome any sleeping problems without drugs.
Develop your self-mind control ability by waking up without an alarm clock.
Get more energy when sleepy and tired.
Start to remember your dreams and use them to solve problems, make decisions.
Get rid of tension and migraine headaches without drugs.
Learn the proper way to visualize and imagine.
Develop your ability to visualize and imagine, and improve your memory.
A post-hypnotic-type technique for studying, test taking and self-programing.
Use the power of visualization and imagination at the powerful Alpha brainwave frequency to achieve your goals, improve performance, solve problems, get the results you want.
An induction method to lower your brainwave frequency to Theta for painless surgery, painless dentistry, painless childbirth and for overcoming deep-rooted limiting beliefs and organic health problems.
To control pain and stop bleeding and hemorrhaging.
For solving problems and making decisions.
To lose or gain weight, stop smoking, overcome a habit or an addiction.
To detect information and solve problems within these matter kingdoms.
Mental Projection tools for detecting information, solving problems and making decisions.
To practice using your mental projection, mental detection and mental correction ability skills.
Copyright © 2021 The Silva Mind Control Method eCourse - All Rights Reserved.
Our mission is to make this a better world to live in.
Our vision is people using their minds to solve problems without creating more problems.