Learn How to Unlock, Control & Use the Power of Your Mind
to help you get what you want, solve problems, make correct decisions
to help you get what you want, solve problems, make correct decisions
It is said that most people only use a very small percentage of what their mind is capable of. Now there is a proven and guaranteed method that not only helps you develop more of your mind's potential but also shows you how to do it and what you can do with it. (You can call it the instruction manual for your mind).
The world-famous Silva Mind Control Method of Mind Development (also known as The Silva Method) was developed by Jose Silva in 1966 after 22 years of research and testing. He created a formalized course that trains you to lower your brain wave frequency to the Alpha Level, a sleep state, and remain awake at this frequency which gives you access to your subconscious mind and the Universal Mind. Click here to listen to an introductory session about how The Silva Mind Control Method was developed and how it works.
Check out this video!
The original Silva Mind Control Method of Mind Development course (also known as The Silva Method Basic Lecture Series, the one Jose Silva designed and researched) was designed to be a 40-hour course that is normally taught in four 10-hour days. The course has lost its popularity in the United States due to the extensive time commitment and the high cost to present it (mainly the cost to rent a hotel meeting room for four days).
Portions of the course are taught through books and audio programs (see Photo Galley below - the book pictured at the top of this website is a NY Times best-seller).
We created an 12-week correspondence course of the entire original Silva Mind Control Method developed by Jose Silva that you can listen to anytime, anywhere at your own pace. (This is not a modified or spin-off course developed by others after Jose Siva died. This is the original course he developed and taught back in the 1960s. Any modified or spin-off course was never rigorously and scientifically researched and tested by Jose Silva).
Here's how the correspondence course works. We divided the course into 12 modules/sessions. Purchase the Correspondence Course listed on the Course Schedule page of this website. Then we immediately email you Module 1 which contains the links to the first two techniques of the course. One set of links explains each technique and the other set of links is the mental exercise for each technique. Then every week for eleven weeks we email you the links to another module. You will receive all the techniques to the original Silva Mind Control Method in eleven weeks.
Every two weeks, we will also conduct a 1-hour live webinar to answer any questions you and others have about the techniques and how to apply them to any problem you have or any decision you have to make.
We've been able to reduce the time commitment to attend the original course by making it a correspondence course. This is similar to the way Mr. Silva started teaching the course - one night a week for several weeks. This schedule gives you a week to practice the techniques taught in each session and discuss your results with a certified Silva instructor who trained with Mr. Silva for several years.
For the most part, Home Study courses don't work. You receive or have access to all the material all at once, try to listen to as much as you can in one or two sittings and stop after listening to a few sessions. And you have no one to guide you or help you if you have questions. Bottom line - you wasted your money. A correspondence course with a live instructor to guide you is more effective.
The price for The Silva Mind Cottrol Method Correspondence Course is $499. This includes the entire & original Silva Mind Control Method Basic Lecture Series taught by Jose Silva. Since we (and Mr. Silva) feel that everyone on the planet should know and use these powerful mental techniques, we are offering a Special One-Time Introductory Discount of $250 for the Correspondence Course. The discount is applied at Checkout.
Click here to go to the Course Schedule page on our website to purchase the correspondence course.
We offer a money back guarantee.
We put our money where our mouth is. Once you’ve completed the entire correspondence course (all 12 sessions), let us know if you are not completely satisfied and want your money back. We’ll refund 100% of the course price. No questions asked.
Here's a testimonial from the co-author of the "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books.
NY Times best-seller published by Simon & Schuster
Sign up to receive our periodic newsletter to find out when we conduct Graduate Meetings, schedule workshops, find out more about the history of The Silva Mind Control Method, Mr. Silva's research projects and the findings of research projects conducted by others using The Silva Mind Control Method. (Back issues of our newsletter are posted on the "Graduate Resources" page of this website).
Graduates of any version of The Silva Method can attend our periodic online Graduate Meetings for free. Subscribe to our eNewsletter for notifications when we conduct the webinars. Graduates have to pay the full course price for the Correspondence Course.
Have a question about the Correspondence Course? Send us an email and we'll be happy to answer it.
"The greatest discovery you will ever make is the potential of your own mind"... Jose Silva
Copyright © 2021 The Silva Mind Control Method eCourse - All Rights Reserved.
Our mission is to make this a better world to live in.
Our vision is people using their minds to solve problems without creating more problems.